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Ian Gregory, Company Secretary, Taiton Resources Limited

Ian Gregory

Company Secretary

Ian Gregory has over 30 years' experience in the provision of company secretarial and business administration services to listed and unlisted companies.  


Companies for which Ian has acted as Company Secretary include Iluka Resources Limited, IBJ Australia Bank Limited and the Griffin Coal Mining Group of companies.  He currently consults on secretarial and governance matters to a number of listed and unlisted companies.  


Ian is a past member and Chairman of the Western Australian Branch Council of Governance Institute of Australia (GIA) and has also served on the National Council of GIA.

My Bio

Ian has over 30 years’ experience in the provision of company secretarial and business administration services in a variety of industries, including exploration, mining, mineral processing, oil and gas, banking, insurance and aquaculture.


He was previously Company Secretary of the Iluka Resources Limited group of companies based in Perth, IBJ Australia Bank Limited, the Australian operations of The Industrial Bank of Japan, Griffin Coal Mining group of companies. He is currently Company Secretary for several ASX listed resource based companies.


Ian is also a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators and a current member of Governance Institute’s Legislation Review Committee.


Ian was appointed to the Western Australian Branch Council of Governance Institute in 2002 and retired from that position in 2016. He is a past Chairman of the Western Australian Branch Council.  Ian has also served on the National Council of Governance Institute. 

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